Intuition Exploration

Expanding on the principles of joy, fun, laughter, and love that is so highly valued in our Psychic Playground… Intuition Exploration sessions allow more time and focus to deepen your abilities.

By allowing 90 minutes dedicated to you and your gifts, we can use different modalities such as meditation, energy clearing, chakra work, and others to further your advancement.

You also have the opportunity to ask any and all questions you have in the realms of intuition and personal development, as well as get and receive readings from others on the call.

Price: $22 USD

All classes are held LIVE and all skill levels are welcome

Upcoming Intuition Exploration Sessions

August 20 10:30am PST / 7:30pm CEST

Note: Most Intuition Exploration Sessions are held immediatly following Psychic Playground Sessions.

If you havent registered for the Psychic Playground yet, Click Here!

Its highly recommended to attend the Playground sessions as well if possible.